Don't really know why Bayi sent me this comic. But it reminds me of my growing up years, watching those James Bond movies and the like, where the hero seems to know everything and able to handle all kinds of things: can get into an exotic car and straight away drives it away (key is always there); same with motorcycle and riding a horse was a piece of cake. Ability to handle motorboat, helicopter or jet plane is expected.
I was so insecure that at one stage, I even worry about not knowing how to offer or light a cigarette for people in a stylish manner as part of being businesslike and sophisticated! But it was the drum solo part in the comic which made my day!
Don't we all want a manly candidate for our son-in-law? LOL!
You mean 'tall, dark and handsome' and preferably with a moustache? Or 'big, strong and friendly' like the old advert for Standchart!
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