How should we judge a government?

In Malaysia, if you don't watch television or read newspapers, you are uninformed; but if you do, you are misinformed!

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience - Mark Twain

Why we should be against censorship in a court of law: Publicity is the very soul of justice … it keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial. - Jeremy Bentham

"Our government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no
responsibility at the other. " - Ronald Reagan

Government fed by the people

Government fed by the people

Career options

Career options
I suggest government... because nobody has ever been caught.

Corruption so prevalent it affects English language?

Corruption so prevalent it affects English language?
Corruption is so prevalent it affects English language?

When there's too much dirt...

When there's too much dirt...
We need better tools... to cover up mega corruptions.

Prevent bullying now!

Prevent bullying now!
If you're not going to speak up, how is the world supposed to know you exist? “Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit, tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat dan dari sejarah.” - Ananta Prameodya Toer (Your intellect may soar to the sky but if you do not write, you will be lost from society and to history.)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

TVB's Cold Blood Warm Heart: Intro

(Yung (Nadia Chan), Lap (Gallen Lo), Pong (Adam Cheng), Fong (Christine Ng) and Kin (Julian Cheung); Inset: Hong (Louis Koo) and Suet (Jessica Hsuan).

If the title was meant to relate to one person, then I guess it was meant to describe the split personality of Lap, a ruthless character who as a police inspector with high ambitions, chose the easy way to attain them. He compromised his police duties in colluding with drug dealers, and married into a rich banker's family. In the process of committing crimes and covering up, he destroyed both his and his in-laws' families. He has his warm heart moments when he displayed his undying love for Suet, besides his love for his family members (or just being convincing at the right moments).

It is always difficult to choose a point where to start writing since it is not a narration with the help of videos in sequence. I think it is easier to start with the family trees of two old friends, Yip Seng (Kwan Hoi San), a triad leader who made good to become a respectable, wealthy banker, and Tsui Kin (Bau Fong), a retired police officer.

Yip Seng and 1st wife (deceased): Son, Tsui Wing Pong (Adam Cheng) adopted by Tsui Kin;

and 2nd wife (Ha Ping) : Son, Kei (Poon Chi Lam) and Wife; Daughter, Grace (Astrid Chan) married Lap; and
Daughter, Chris (Cheung Ho Yee) was finally steady with a junior executive in the family bank, after a few years of sleeping around with every Tom, Dick and Harry, including Lap;

and 3rd wife : Son, Cheung (Waise Lee) and Wife; Son, Hong (Louis Koo), Mistress (Betsy Cheung) : has a teenage daughter, rumoured to be fathered by Cheung; she is a close confidante of Pong, but they were only in a platonic relationship.

Tsui Kin (Bao Fong) and wife (Bak Yan): adopted son, Tsui Wing Pong (Adam Cheng)
Son, Tsui Ka Lap (Gallen Lo) married Grace (Astrid Chan);
Daughter, Tsui Ka Yi (Wallis Pang) married an ex-police informer (Cheung Siu Fai);

Other important characters' relationships:

Cheung Suet Ning (Jessica Hsuan) – wooed by Lap, dumped by him for Grace to gain into Yip's rich family; Kin fell in love with her. They were due to get married and had wedding pictures taken. But her strong feelings for Lap led her to be cheated again.

Fong Hau Yung (Nadia Chan) – wooed by Kin, but Hong, though a good friend of him, deliberately sent her to their bank's Shanghai branch so that he could woo her without being distracted by Kin. He even deliberately left out a message to be forwarded to Kin. It was much later that this fact was known to Yung, who is still very much attached to Kin. This act of betrayal of a friend, and his failure to inform others that his uncle was killed by Lap, showed a weak and confused character who could have prevented further damage by Lap.

Fong Hau Yung's elder brother (Wilson Tsui), a dubious character who always get into trouble with the law, inadvertently implicating Kin when he tried to be helpful.

Lo Wai Fong (Christine Ng) - love interest of Pong, but married her lawyer, Hui Yuen Kwong (Ram Tseung) instead, with the blessing of Pong because he was jailed on a murder charge. Because of Fong's relentless efforts and persuasion, Yuen Kwong tried to help Pong to vindicate himself from a murder charge. In the process, he fell in love with Fong. He successfully used a false witness to clear Pong, which led to his being disbarred from legal practice.

Lo Tzi Kin (Julian Cheung Chi Lam) – Fong's younger brother whom she looked after since the death of their parents. The show started with Kin in an awkward situation: as a police inspector in charge of a team of detectives, yet was given a daily allowance by his sister which was barely enough to live on, let alone able to treat colleagues occasionally as would be expected of a man in his position.

Theme song of Cold blood warm heart by Adam Cheng

It brings back memories of yester years when there were no mobile phones, just pagers. I am sure kids today might be wondering how they could survive without.

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