Excerpt from 'Final Warning: Malaysia may be bankrupt sooner than 2019' :
'Winnable' entrepreneurs, not cronies
But Najib, who is also Finance minister, chose to defend such questionable practises. The PM said in a written reply to a parliamentary question that the company — Agroscience Sdn Bhd — had been selected to operate the NFC project to create Malaysia’s “Beef Valley” after a tender process involving five other companies.
However, as PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli pointed out, 6 firms making private representations to the government on a project that had not been announced to the people hardly constituted an open or public tender. To rub in the salt, the AG's Report also criticised the project, and pointed out that it was now “in a mess”.
Perhaps the Beef Valley project says it all. A project of national importance because the supply of reasonably priced food is actually of topmost priority, a national security in fact. But the money allocated and the 'talents' to whom the project is given, are not based merit, capability or track record.
Any lay person can see the conflict of interest of this messy affair, yet Najib seems to be blind to it. Perhaps, the PM should view it in the context of the 'winnable candidates' that he is always harping on for the BN's of candidates to contest in the coming general election!
It really is as simple as that. Choose a wrong candidate, and BN will lose. Choose the wrong entrepreneur, and Malaysia will lose. This is the state of the nation as it stands now, and truth be told, all final warning signs are clear to see - Malaysia may well and truly be bankrupt sooner than 2019."
The American joke on the White House can be localized to : 'This hole swallows bilions of Ringgit every year and it is filled with 140 ****holes'

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