Sooner or later, this cozy and quiet corner will become a through road and busy with traffic. The landowner on the left side of the lane will be building a house on his land and upgrading this road is a requirement. Surveyors came recently. The land is being cultivated by a neighbour, with a sign, 'Jangan curi bila lalu sini' or 'Don't steal when you pass by' which says a lot about what happened to some of his produce.

The bottom pic was taken on Feb 29, just 3 months after the first. A week ago, a huge excavator (chain-linked type)
was unloaded from a low-loader, to carry out leveling works on a housing plot, which was being cultivated by a neighbour. The machine was so big that some trees had to be uprooted (easily) for it to get through the original opening shown in the above pic.
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