It comes naturally to men when there is a certain attraction.
If the motto of the original day-trade boom was, “If the pros can do it, so can we,” the motto today is, “We can’t do much worse than the pros.”
“There’s this idea out there that retail investors are dumb,” says Howard Lindzon, the co-founder of StockTwits, which curates a gusher of stock tips and financial news alerts tweeted by 20,000 regular contributors. “Well, it turns out that the institutional investors are pretty dumb. They nearly blew us all up with leverage.”
You have to hand it to the ancient Indian rishis for their deep understanding of life.
Maharishi Vatsyayan has stated in his magnum opus "Kamasutra" that ...Sex is…
"Duty", if done with your Wife
"Art", if done with your Lover
"Education", if done with a Virgin
"Business Transaction", if done with a Prostitute
"Social Work", if done with a Divorcee
"Charity", if done with a Widow &
"Meditative Trance", if done by yourself.
For more information from our local guru:
First you must know how to conquer unhappiness.
1. Don’t be taken in by melancholy
Melancholy is only a passing mood; don’t mistake it for wisdom. Prolonged sadness can lead to mental depression, a sickness associated with suicidal tendency. You must believe that you can change your mood simply by doing something different – play a game or talk to a good friend for diversion.
2. Don't get caught in the competitive treadmill
Life is always a struggle. You compete in school, in university and at work … always wanting to do better and making more money. You really do not need so much to be happy. You must know when to stop chasing material possessions and learn to be contented. You cannot be happy if you are still greedy for more and more.
Feeling happy is the only true success. Don’t work so hard until you forget how to be happy.
3. Develop the right attitude to boredom and excitement
Everyone has a natural fear of boredom. That is why one always has the urge to find things to do. Very few people can just sit down, do nothing and simply enjoy peace and tranquility (but give it a try!). Do not fear a little boredom for a certain amount of boredom in life is to be expected.
The opposite of boredom is excitement but be careful in seeking it. Incidentally, there is a recent news report from Australia that the easy availability of Viagra and other stimulants has raised the level of sexual activity amongst senior citizens (that is, those over 75) to exceptional levels of excitement. Just imagine that. Excitement is best sought in small doses and in the right places.
4. Make your worries concrete, don’t suppress them
Get a sense of perspective. Ask yourself “what is the worst thing that can possibly happen?” For example if your doctor tells you that your disease is incurable, you must realise that worry will not make you better. The best you can do is to find enjoyment every day for whatever life you have left.
On the other hand though, when you have a difficult problem, do not suppress it because it will not go away by itself. Face it, grapple with it and try to find a way to resolve it. Do what you can and believe that it will be alright when the time comes. Remember! Prolonged worrying can cause mental depression.
5. Don’t envy, admire!
Since I have already touched on envy and jealousy at the start of my talk, I only wish to add this: Enjoy what you have for its own sake. Don’t compare yourself with others who are more successful than you.
When you are sad, compare yourself with people who are in a worse situation.
Hi there,
Wow. There are several other words I could use to express my amazement at the response to our campaign about Nestlé's use of palm oil, but none of them are fit to write here, so "wow" will have to do for now.
Since Wednesday morning - when we launched our controversial Kit Kat advert and demanded that Nestlé stop using palm oil from companies destroying Indonesia's rainforests - events have unfolded rapidly, and everyone at Greenpeace is amazed at how our supporters have taken this so much further than we ever imagined. Here's a quick recap:
Nestlé have issued a statement saying that they'll stop buying directly from the worst supplier, Sinar Mas, but this doesn't go far enough as much of their palm oil comes through third parties, like Cargill, who continue to buy palm oil from Sinar Mas.
Your actions are having a big impact at Nestlé HQ. If you haven't already, email Nestlé now demanding they stop using palm oil and other products from the notorious Sinar Mas. We had some technical problems with our website on Wednesday so if you weren't able to send your email, it's working absolutely fine now.
And don't forget to share our Kit Kat video with your friends.
Thanks for your support,
Jamie Woolley
22 March 2010
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