Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane
I can see the red tail lights heading for spain
Oh and I can see daniel waving goodbye
God it looks like daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes...
Just helping to spread Zorro's message about Daniel. His story is inspiring:
When I was in the hospital right after my laryngectomy surgery (I had cancer of the throat), a good friend, Teh suggested that I should start a blog as a mean of communication since I am not able to talk due to the surgery. He said he will set up the blog for me and asked me to suggest a name for blog. The first name that came to my mind was DYKL but then the name has been taken. So I settled for DanielYKL, it sounds pretty cool anyway. So with that www.danielykl.com was born.
I have no idea how and what blogging is all about. I don’t even know how to post up my articles. So for the first couple of weeks I have to depend on my friend to do the posting. He was very patient with me, taught step by step on how to blog and manage my blog. I was never a computer savvy. I just know how to do the simple stuff on my notebook but of the blog I have to force myself to learn and experience through trials and errors about blogging. Now after 14 months I think I am getting the feel of it.
I started writing about myself and about the progress of the post-surgery. And I have plenty of time to do that, as I spent about a month at home recovering from that 10-hour surgery.Then I realized that after a while, people or friends are not interested to read about you. They get tired reading the same old thing about how I have recovered and my progressed. And not only that, I ran out of topics to write, hehe!!!
So I started to learn from other bloggers on how to pick up topics and make the blog interesting and informative - (I hope I have achieved that, but if I have not, be patient with me.) I then started to add photos and pictures along with the articles. Now the blog looks more colourful and attractive. Then I saw the Mob’s Crib’s blog. In the blog he did a lot of photoshop stuff from movie titles and others - I said to myself, ”that I should do.” So I got a book on Photoshop and started learning the tricks. Well, not that I have mastered it but then there has been some improvement and it gets the work done.
But the real motivation and challenge came just a few months before the 12th General Elections. As I read through the press and blogs, especially from Malaysia Today, Susan Loone, Malaysiakini, etc… just to name a few, I find that there are inconsistency and flaws in some of the issues made by the politicians and the government. So I thought, hmmm!!!, political blogging could be interesting and it will never run out of issues. So that started blogging about political issues. Not from someone who studied Political Science or with any politcal skill but from a view of ’an ordinary man on the street.’
And of course I write other stuff too, whatever that I think is worth writing. Anyway, I realized that blogging is very ‘addictive’ - once you start you can’t stop. Now since I am unable to talk, my blog has been my voice. It’s a place for me to voice my thoughts, opinion, views, expressions, inspiration, and belief. And sometimes my frustration, exasperation, and disappointments. I hope this blog has and will serve it’s purpose.
I am hoping retirees, especially, should go further than just reading and forwarding emails by starting a blog. Take it from me, it is really worth the trouble learning a few new tricks, and I must admit I learn very slowly at my own pace. Being rushed into anything defeats the purpose. To those who still cannot get past switching on the computer yourself, ask your spouse to give you a kick in the butt! A pensioner said he did not know how to switch off the computer, logged on by his daughter!
You are now a Blogger
Very interesting!
Will feature your post in our website http://mylivingwall.com
All the best!
Yes KitSeng, I am a blogger. Seems cool these days to be one. But I am 'sek siew siew, parn toi piew' type!
AL, just visited your site and happened to like 'A dog named Sex' which I shall be posting next. Thanks.
That pensioner you mentioned must be my dad...
PHB, to be honest, it was Yap I had in mind. Your dad said he managed to read news and check stock prices while in US but got mental block once back home. You are not doing your duty. Just show him step by step. To encourage him, show him some pics of big boobs and he will take the trouble to write down the steps.
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