Different people have different opinions on hospitals. Generally, some are cynical about private medical centres because they believe such places tend to recommend more tests than necessary so that their expensive equipment are better utilized to ensure a faster return on their huge capital outlay, and of course to make substantial profits.
There are hypochondriacs who make it a habit of seeing a doctor frequently because they tend to believe there is something wrong with their health. And there are those who will not visit a doctor unless really necessary, often when it is too late.
I have mentioned before about my eldest brother who had a heart attack in KL when he was only 51. His second son was with him when he was wheeled into KLGH and his last words were that he had many things to tell him... perhaps he knew he was going to die.
History repeated itself when his second son too had a heart attack at the age of 50, but very fortunately, he was then working in a Wagamama Japanese chain restaurant in SE London. His supervisor told him to rest while he called the ambulance. My son related to us recently that his wife called him and said that she did not know who else to call since he is the only close relative she could think of who is in London. When Beng visited him in Guy's hospital, he was already recovering and related how he felt when he was in the ambulance... recalling the time when he accompanied his father to KLGH with much apprehension, especially when he had witnessed first hand how his father died shortly after admission. But what a difference! It seems the ambulance came in just 5 minutes and during the 15 minutes ambulance journey to Guy's Hospital, he was attended to professionally and within half an hour, he was already in hospital looking at a screen while the doctor described what he is doing to him, which was in fact angioplasty!
I am sure many people find this incredulous, including me, because he happened to be extremely lucky in that his place of work happened to be near a world class heart hospital and he was attended to by super efficient medical personnel without question as to who he was! He was then not even a Permanent Resident, just someone with a work permit, who was covered by National Health Service. He admitted that he used to complain about the high National Insurance contributions deducted from his pay, but after the operation, he got back much more than what he had paid! He was really grateful that it happened in UK and that probably saved his life. I cannot see this happening in Malaysia, not even with private medical care.
Just to give an idea of what an ordinary citizen in Malaysia can expect from our public health service: a friend had a mild heart attack; friends advised him to seek private medical help but he insisted that being a retired civil servant, he wished to go through what is available in the local GH. He was hospitalized for a few days, under medical observation while waiting to see a specialist in a few weeks time! Having seen him, he is waiting to see another specialist in KL Heart Institute in a few weeks time! Just imagine what could have happened if he was really in a serious condition!
1 comment:
FYI that friend can just check into the nearest hospital, private or otherwise, if he encounter another heart problem. The expenses can be claimed from the Pension Department.
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