How should we judge a government?

In Malaysia, if you don't watch television or read newspapers, you are uninformed; but if you do, you are misinformed!

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience - Mark Twain

Why we should be against censorship in a court of law: Publicity is the very soul of justice … it keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial. - Jeremy Bentham

"Our government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no
responsibility at the other. " - Ronald Reagan

Government fed by the people

Government fed by the people

Career options

Career options
I suggest government... because nobody has ever been caught.

Corruption so prevalent it affects English language?

Corruption so prevalent it affects English language?
Corruption is so prevalent it affects English language?

When there's too much dirt...

When there's too much dirt...
We need better tools... to cover up mega corruptions.

Prevent bullying now!

Prevent bullying now!
If you're not going to speak up, how is the world supposed to know you exist? “Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit, tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat dan dari sejarah.” - Ananta Prameodya Toer (Your intellect may soar to the sky but if you do not write, you will be lost from society and to history.)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Between the devil and the deep blue sea...

and a wannabe?

Umno seems to be in a self-destructive mode...

…a case where a poor choice is good news for the political opponents…do we really have a choice?

If the system remains, the winner will go on to be a future PM of Malaysia!

The good news is a ‘dream team’ for Umno may end up making the oppositionists’ dream come true.

According to Jeff Ooi:

"I must also warn that if all Jeff Ooi-endorsed candidates won, this will be the perfect recipe to see the RAHMAN mythology end with Najib, who will go on to take over from Anwar Ibrahim as the next Opposition Leader in the parliament."

"As a divine herald, Najib is now leading the predicted pack, unobstructed, while Khir Toyo just became the de jure and de facto Opposition Leader in Selangor some ten months ago."...

Marina Mahathir in her blog:
RantingsbyMM - Hypocrisy Rules, Part 3

Najib: Youth must condemn violence

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 26 , 2009) : Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today called on the youth to condemn violence and any fragmentation of humankind.

He said the youth should have the capacity to realise the futility and destructiveness of terrorism despite the difficult political circumstances or personal traumas that they faced. (unless it's against people in wheelchairs they don't like?) …

But in reality, this is what we got:
while the security people in Parliament stood and watched. Different laws for different people.


Anonymous said...

it's an honor to defense own race.
even if it means attacking the helpless.

bayi said...

Secure your own, even when they attack the crippled!