I have just read 'A new era for DAP?' in Malaysia Today http://us3.malaysia-today.net/2008/content/view/10699/84/
"Will the new enthusiasm change the face and outlook of DAP?
About 900 delegates will deliberate on the future of the party on Aug 23 and 24 at the party congress expected to be held in Kuala Lumpur.
Whether they will argue about positions in the new-found power base of Penang, Perak and Selangor, or find a more pragmatic way to promote transparency, freedom, equal opportunity, local-level democracy and freer, open market, the congress is expected to be a turning point for a new DAP.
Even if most of the old guards retain their respective position, they too should be able to embrace transformation. Failing that, the party will forever be doomed with the old bickering politics; similar to that of their sworn political enemy BN."
If my memory serves me right, it was about 10 years ago when I started attending forums organised by DAP in connection with the then impending Lim Guan Eng’s case. I even attended one at Federal Hotel, KL where it was aborted before it even started when the strong police presence led to a warning for us to disperse ‘within 8 minutes’!
Like many people, from a distance, I admired Lim Kit Siang for his unwavering and consistent stand for justice, which was emulated by his son. The climate of fear was such that the general public could not support openly for fear of being identified by Special Branch, which might complicate their lives.
For those young leaders who are now MPs and ADUNs, many first-timers, I wish to congratulate them for their success but wish to remind them that the old-timers like LKS and Karpal Singh, have been through thick and thin to build up DAP to what it is today and was lucky to be part of the political tsunami which swept the country on March 8, 2008. I am sure they can honestly acknowledge that they were just as surprised to be part of the state governments ruled by Pakatan, and to have YAB Lim Guan Eng as Chief Minister!
Last night, when Guan Eng walked into the Perak State HQ, someone commented that he was so casual, in other words, very down to earth. The meeting was brought forward by an hour because he was scheduled to join Anwar’s campaign in Permatang Pauh.
YB Lim Kit Siang was the last speaker and he related to us how he was in Sauk one night to try their fresh water fish. It so happened there was a ‘pasar malam’ or night market. He was approached by a young man who was distributing forms. When questioned, he said they were application forms for Parti Keadilan Rakyat!
The way I see it, I am more taken by his humility in being able to mingle with the crowd and remain in cognito after so many years as an MP and even as Mr. Opposition in Parliament.
The new Speaker for Perak State Assembly, YB Sivakumar, is now provided with a Proton Executive with driver. Exco member, YB Thomas Su has an official car too. It would appear state leaders in Pakatan ruled states are better off than old timer MPs like LKS, Karpal Singh, Kula Segaran and Fong Po Kuan!
While I was waiting outside for my wife to fetch me, I shook hands with LKS on his way to his car, and reminded him, ‘Ai peah thak eh nyeah’ to which he acknowledged with a smile. Honestly, even though I have sat next to him at lunch before and he is one of my friends in Facebook, I doubt he knew who I was as I am only one of his over a thousand friends in the social connectivity site!
I still remember when I attended a forum (in support of LGE’s case) in St. John’s Ambulance’s Hall in Ipoh and I was looking at him, deciding whether to greet him. He looked at me with suspicion. It was only when I read the newspaper the next day that I knew the reason – he was robbed earlier in Petaling Jaya, outside their HQ in SS2!
Anyway, at night, outside DAP's HQ in Ipoh can be scary, especially having read about the molotov cocktail incident. While everybody left in their cars except for a handful of Indians (incl. YB Sivanesan, I think), I was waiting for my wife from Batu Gajah! Earlier, she dropped me off after our trip back from Kedah.
Note: I hope The Malaysian Insider got it wrong as I would prefer the party congress to be in Penang!
How should we judge a government?
In Malaysia, if you don't watch television or read newspapers, you are uninformed; but if you do, you are misinformed!
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Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience - Mark Twain
Why we should be against censorship in a court of law: Publicity is the very soul of justice … it keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial. - Jeremy Bentham
"Our government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no
responsibility at the other. " - Ronald Reagan
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Corruption so prevalent it affects English language?

Corruption is so prevalent it affects English language?
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