Anyway, UK is pretty strict on sex or racial discrimination, with relevant laws like Sex Discrimination Act, 1975 and Race Relations Act, 1976.
As for sex discrimination, soon after it became law in 1975, a cheeky advertisement stated something to the effect: 'Wanted: bricklayers with chest measurement of at least 36 in. and able to work topless in summer'! It was clearly worded to prevent flouting the law, yet able to prefer men only.
Years ago, there was a coloured student who saw a 'Room to let' sign outside a house. When he enquired, he was told by white house owner that it was taken up. He could not believe it and asked a white friend to enquire, and sure enough, he was given details! Under the Race Relations Act, the house owner was guilty of racial discrimination.
Recently, there was a suggestion for a Race Relations Act in Malaysia, and supposedly to be based on the one in UK! How could this be possible, knowing full well how serious the British take race equality, even if it was on paper? Unless and until we are ready to treat every citizen equally, this is virtually impossible. ... Another example of form over substance which our leaders like to conjure to fool foreigners.
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