"Elvis died in 1977, his daughter Lisa Marie was born in 1966. She was eleven when her father died.
With today's technology they united father and daughter to sing this song together....isn't this great ?? It's difficult to realize that this video is super imposed !! The reaction of the public when Lisa Marie enters is done really wonderful !!
Congratulations to the makers of this video. This electronic union between father and daughter is wonderfully done ! He sang this song in 1968 and Lisa Marie in 2008
Long live the new technology age."
I tried to search for it so that I could link it. I tried uploading other videos for blog posting before without success, probably because of copyright issues. Anyway, no matter how I tried I could not find one video of Elvis 'singing' with daughter Lisa Marie. However I discovered that the same video described as Elvis with Lisa Marie is actually Elvis with Martina McBride!

That's not Lisa Marie in that video that's Martina McBride you should research a little before you make a statement such as this I looked this up cause someone sent me a e-mail with this in it I had to laugh.
If only you have read my post in full! It was clear that I stated in my final comment that it wasn't Lisa Marie.
I had no doubt it was possible, having seen similar one of dead Nat King Cole and his daughter Natalie. I almost took it for granted that it was Lisa Marie until I could not find it, but found one of Martina McBride instead, and discovered it was the same video.
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