by yours truly or just about anybody. So do not believe everything you read in the internet!
I have used some hard facts on China for this purpose...

Chinese consume 50,000 cigarettes every second...
In the past 15 years, China has moved from 14th place to 2nd place in the world in published scientific research articles;
China now possesses the fastest supercomputer on the entire globe;
At the end of March 2011, China accumulated US$3.04 trillion in foreign currency reserves - the largest stockpile on the entire globe;
To put in perspective...
China has 19% of the world’s population, but consumes:
... 53% of the world's cement;
... 48% of the world's iron ore;
... 47% of the world's coal;
... and the majority of just about every major commodity.
In 2010, China produced 11 times more steel than the United States;
Set new world record: China made and sold 18 million vehicles in 2010;
China currently has the world’s fastest train and the world’s largest high-speed rail network;
China is currently the number one producer in the world of wind and solar power; and
China currently controls more than 90% of the total global supply of rare earth elements.
There seems to be some co-relation between pigs and brain gain, but if you believe in re-incarnation, China is the worst place for pigs. Smoking cigarettes as glorified by Marlborough Man and Camel helped USA to be number one nation, now China is smoking more than ever to take over the status from them!
Note: please don't twist this further and then blame me for misinformation!
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