Thursday, November 21, 2013

This ostentatious display of gold won't happen in Malaysia


Robbers are becoming more daring. What used to be safe in numbers are no longer so:  like when having a home party with guests; having a meal in restaurants or coffee shops; or at wedding dinners where there are usually hundreds of people.

Earlier this year, there was a robbery at a wedding dinner in Ipoh. The hosts lost all their angpows, the bride, all her jewelleries and the guests were relieved of their valuables. Now, when going out, most people remind themselves not to wear anything expensive nor take with them too much cash... just in case there is a robbery.

A few years ago, when a security conscious relation had 2 security guards at his home party, most of us were surprised at what seems an overly cautious measure at the time when such cases were rare or unheard of . But with today's robberies at public places where there are many people around, this seems to be a good one. Yet, with the recent cases of foreigners using fake ICs working as security guards and one of them actually shot dead a bank officer before he escaped with Rm450,000, even security guards cannot be trusted.


  1. Anonymous2:33 am



    It makes good sense to have a

    security to look after the guests

    while they walk from their cars to

    the house [where the wedding is held]

    Smart guy in my neighbourhood use

    RELA guys and one patrol the area

    on half-hourly basis to make sure

    cars are safe. Prices are

    reasonable too !!




  2. Yes, I forgot about the RELA guys. So far, they have been useful in traffic control at functions, and provide a sense of security to the hosts or organizers. Recently, someone mentioned that because of rampant robberies, RELAs were employed at funeral wakes because of the donations! I noticed even prominent people's funeral wakes were held at funeral parlours for security reasons (to avoid exposing their private residences to dubious characters). Even obituary notices could attract unwelcome attention.

    But RELA too has its image tarnished by reports of some who acted highhandedly towards illegal immigrants. Some volunteers make use of their status and imagine themselves with almost police powers.

    I believe the current situation requires us to be extra careful and not to be too trusting of people in general.
