Sunday, February 17, 2013

Continuing my Maxis Home wifi experience

Just before Chinese New Year, I have guests at home. With 3 additional young adults using smart phones and iPad occasionally, my monthly Maxis quota of 3 GB (1.5 GB peak and 1.5 GB off-peak) was put the test.

Within 48 hours, I got a notice that my quota (1.5 GB) had been used up, and whether I wish to top up. How I wish this happened when I first signed up, because then I was given a 7-day trial period within which I could cancel it with full refund. It is too late now, and no matter how I dislike the package, I have to sit it out for another 10 months! Come to think of it, it is rather unfair for the service provider to lure customers with their attractive sales promotion and bound them for a year. Imagine this multiplied thousands of time!

Fortunately, my house guests were busy during CNY and they left without me having to top up my quota. Now, I am using the service under their 'throttling' speed. I can continue using my still available balance of quota during unearthly hours of 2am to 8 am. I am game for this because I am trying to wean myself off the internet. I can still use their throttled service for checking my emails, Facebook and even online banking!

Conclusion: The basic package based on limited quota is good only for old-timers who use internet in a limited way. No way can it be used to meet the needs of young users.



  1. Anonymous8:49 pm


  2. Anonymous10:23 pm

    Awak still boleh batalkan contract tersebut. Apa yang perlu awak buat buat complain kepada maxis kemudian simpan semua rekodnya dan pergi kelaman web SKMM dan buat aduan. Mereka akan terkena nanti. Siapa yang terkena buatlah. Saya pernah buat sebelum ini ke atas sebuah syarikat lain yang menyediakan perkhidmatan yang sama.

  3. Anonymous10:28 pm

    Awak masih boleh batalkan kontrak tersebut tanpa perlu membayar apa-apa sebaliknya boleh menuntut kembali kerugian kamu. Caranya buat aduan dulu kepada maxis, dan kemudian buat pergi ke laman web SKMM dan isi borang aduan dan laporkan apa yang terjadi disertakan dengan no rekod aduan tersebut. InsyaAllah awak boleh batalkan kontrak tersebut. Ini pengalaman saya, sebelum ini saya telah lakukan kepada sebuah syarikat lain yang memberikan perkhidmatan yang sama. Cubalah. Mari ramai-ramai buat aduan kepada SKMM.
